Introducing a Senior Living Service Solution

We make senior dining experiences efficient, easy and elevated

At the center of any senior living community, there is a desire to help residents live their lives to the fullest and empower exceptional moments that will create lasting memories. Nowhere are there more opportunities for these experiences to occur than around the dining table. Mealtime is a special part of every senior living community as it allows residents to meet new friends and staff while sharing stories and socializing. It is also one of the most common ways for visitors and families to come together with their resident companions to enjoy mutual company over a nice meal.

At Bear Robotics, we understand the importance of these moments and it’s one of the reasons we’ve worked so hard in developing smart solutions to enhance the quality of communal senior living experiences like these.

Servi, our state-of-the-art senior living foodservice solution, is the perfect innovation to make any dining experience exceptional by eliminating repetitive work for your employees. This allows them to interact on a personal level, spending quality time addressing the needs and desires of the seniors they’re serving.

Read the entire case study conducted at San Francisco Towers and Casa de Manana here.

Here’s How it Works

Servi is equipped with 3D scanning sensors for nimble and safe navigation, allowing Servi to easily work a full dining service without ever causing a spill, scene, or stoppage in service. With Multi-Robot mode, you can easily sync an entire fleet of Servi robots for faster service, even as your guest list expands.

Servi features multiple modes for doing everything from running food to bussing tables, hosting, even patrol and party modes. And with Auto Return, Servi automatically reports back to its home base as soon as it’s completed its latest job.

One thing we’re exceptionally proud of, especially in the senior living space is that Servi is NSF-certified. This means Servi is compliant to any local health and OSHA codes that might prevent other service robots from operating in foodservice spaces. Bear Robotics is now the only robot of its kind to feature this certification.

Leave the Running to the Robots 

We understand that the senior living space is one business sector hit hardest by recent labor scarcities, 81% of facilities reporting that current staff shortages have affected the way they operate on a daily basis. This is not the only recent setback as senior living facilities are also some of the most sensitive spaces when it comes to the dangers of our recent COVID-19 pandemic.

With Servi, you can not only limit the number of servers who need to access communal spaces but you can also foster safer, cleaner, and more compassionate living spaces by eliminating the running around and leaving the hustle to our robotic solutions.


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