Upgrade Entertainment Experiences With Automation

Discover Robotic Solutions for Family Entertainment

From arcades to indoor amusement parks, family entertainment centers (FECs) have long been a staple of American culture. Within these exciting spaces, flashing lights, fun games, and futuristic decor are fixtures of the experience. At Bear Robotics, we’re leading the way in designing the perfect complement to these family entertainment hubs with a new take on superior service.

The family entertainment industry has seen rapid evolution in the past few decades. Where once these venues were little more than pizza parlors with prize walls and a few gaming cabinets, the model has taken off to include AI experiences, immersive games, and indoor rides. The future of family entertainment is evolving rapidly and competing in this market means equipping your establishment with the latest innovations for fun and excitement.

Within this world of novelty, fun, and unique entertainment, Bear Robotics has made it a point to ensure the service standard of modern family entertainment centers is just as exceptional as the experiences these places facilitate.

We believe excellent service is a key component of any hospitality experience and family entertainment centers should set the standard for innovative and fun service. When you think of just how far these businesses have come and all that goes into curating the unique activities within them, it only makes sense to add an element of innovation at the entry level of experience.

Meet Servi

Servi is our all-in-one robotic service solution that easily automates repetitive work like running food, bussing tables, and dashing for drinks so that your servers, floor hosts, and restaurant staff can concentrate on catering those exciting experiences every FEC should strive for. 

Whether you’re looking to up the allure of your property or simply add an extra element of awe for children and families, Servi is the best way to enhance service for elevated entertainment experiences, increased tips, and happier staff. 

How Servi Enhances The Audience Experience

To make for easier and more efficient service, our robots are equipped with 3D scanning sensors for nimble and safe navigation, allowing them to map and navigate any food service area without causing hiccups in service. With Multi-Robot mode, you can easily sync an entire fleet of Servi robots for faster service, even as your family entertainment center grows.

Servi features multiple modes for doing everything from running drinks to bussing buffet tables, hosting, even patrol and party modes. And with Auto Return, Servi automatically reports back to its home base as soon as it’s completed its latest job.

Recently, Servi was certified by the NSF (National Sanitation Foundation) for its remarkable safety and sanitation specifications. We’re especially proud of this achievement as this certification ensures our hospitality robots are up to local health codes so that you can operate them in any entertainment space without worries. In having the first robot of its kind to achieve this certification, we’re proudly pioneering an all-new element of excitement within the FEC industry. 

Combat Labor Shortages and Staff Turnover 

It’s no secret that FECs were hit hard during the recent pandemic with many still struggling to regain staff losses. Since Servi runs for your guests and not by the clock, it’s a 24/7 solution that will be your best insulator against employee fatigue, burnout, and turnover. With Servi, you can allow your staff more freedom and flexibility to work the hours that better suit their preferences.

Upgrade Your Entertainment Center 

FECs have long been staples of American family fun. As this industry evolves, it’s never been more important to stay on top of technology trends to give your guests the most incredible experiences. We believe our service innovations for automating the small hassles of running food, bussing tables, and delivering drinks are the next step in this one-of-a-kind industry – bringing about greater service, satisfaction, and ultimately improving the experience with fun, futuristic service staff.  


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